The Integrated Content-Based (ICB) method of teaching ESL is grounded in the cognitive approach to learning and is based on the belief that students perform better when acquisition of language and content happens concurrently. This happens in many ways through carefully organized and well-prepared lessons and instruction. Read on for details on how to effectively implement this method within your classroom.

  1. Planning
    • Select a theme
      • What makes the most sense for this grade level at this time?
    • Choose topics relevant to the theme
      • How can I integrate multiple contents? What is important for students to know? What natural flows from this theme?
    • Create language and content objectives
      • What should my students know/gain from this unit/theme?
      • Align with local, state, and national standards
    • Gather appropriate instructional materials
      • What will enhance this unit? What first-language source materials are available? What realia is available?
    • Arrange the classroom environment
      • What configuration of students will work best for the objectives of this unit?
      • What will be displayed on walls and boards?
  2. Instruction
    • Pre-teach key content vocabulary
      • What common language do we need to define? What are terms necessary to this unit?
    • Build background
      • What prior knowledge or schema can be connected to this unit?
    • Facilitate collaborative learning
      • What student groups will enhance learning? How can I encourage students to communicate with one another?
    • Use authentic activities for integrating literacy
      • What reading, writing, speaking, or listening activities flow natural with this unit?
    • Engage CLD students cognitively
      • Identify questions and tasks which will cognitively challenge students through application of learned language and content.
    • Provide visual support and graphic organizers
      • Allow students to complete graphs, t-charts, venn diagrams, comparison charts, etc. which will enhance student understanding
    • Develop learning centers
      • Allow students to cooperate and collaborate by using and engaging with hands-on manipulatives or tasks
  3. Assessment
    • Provide formative assessment
      • Identify checkpoints to gauge learning comprehension
      • Provide meaningful and challenging feedback which is constructive
      • Allow time for student reflection
    • Provide summative assessment
      • Measure student achievement at the end of the unit

Adapted from: Herrera, S. G., & Murry, K. G. (2016). Mastering ESL/EFL methods: Differentiated instruction for culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students (3rd ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.

For further information:

British Council: Content-Based Instruction

The ICB Method of Instruction